Over 70 percent of corn, soy, and other staple grains on the market today have been genetically modified, mostly either to resist herbicides or to produce their own pesticides on a cellular level. As if those figures weren’t high enough, approximately 80% of all packaged foods in the U.S. contain GMOs. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have been sold as food since 1992, when the biotech companies convinced the government that speeding these new products past inspection and regulation would improve US exports. Normally, in order to receive the label of “Generally Recognized as Safe”, new products have to undergo extensive testing from third party sources, and there must be a nearly unanimous consensus among the scientific community that there are no dangerous side effects. These new crops are given the FDA’s official seal of approval without any outside testing, and in blatant defiance of what scientific evidence there already is against these dangerous new plants. As far as the FDA is concerned, as long as the companies say that their products are harmless, they are. GMO’s are now almost everywhere, entirely unregulated, and they aren’t even labeled. Companies can even release new strains to market without telling the government.
Unsurprisingly, numerous tests and real world examples have shown the dangerous and toxic effects of these crops on humans and animals. According to Say No to GMO’s essay, thoroughly sourced with over 120 scientific essays and new articles,
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been linked to thousands of toxic or allergic‐type reactions, thousands of sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ and system studied in lab animals. Nearly every independent animal feeding safety study shows adverse or unexplained effects.
These toxic effects from both animal tests and actual accounts of farm animals allowed to graze on GMO plants include liver damage, intestinal damage, high mortality rates, infant mortality rates of 51.6% in rats, reproductive failures, sterility, weakened or activated immune systems, and inflammation related to lethal allergic reactions. Researchers found that the same year GM soy was introduced to Great Britain, soy allergies in the country went up by 50%. Proteins in soy also cross-react with peanut allergies, and in the five years after GM soy was introduced to America, rates of peanut allergies increased by 100 percent.
Once again, genetically modified organisms are not labeled. However, organic foods are not allowed to have any GMO ingredients. It’s just one of the many reasons why Topline Foods have collected all the best organic products we can find, for your safety and convenience.
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